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9 Jul

Protect Yourself with Personal Injury Attorneys: Car Accidents Caused by Rain

By Yanira Del Valle

Extreme weather events can occur at any time of the year. Florida has entered the hurricane season, and it is expected to be one of the most intense in recent years. This is particularly worrying since the natural calamity increases the risk of accidents. 

It's not just the apparent extreme weather events that pose a threat. Car accidents caused by rain, even in the form of a drizzle, can be more severe than people realize. The rain's ability to leach oil from the asphalt creates unexpectedly slippery conditions. This, coupled with the erratic behavior of drivers in such weather, makes these accidents a severe concern.

The story of how weather affects road safety in the United States is never cut and dry. If you are the victim of a car accident in the rain, you may have a legal case, especially if the other driver was not driving with due care and attention. Injury Assistant Lawfirm brings you the relevant information and tips on how an Orlando personal injury attorney can help you if you have been through such a car accident.

Extreme Weather Events and Dangerous Drivers

Orlando car accidents are increasing because people tend to drive either extremely timidly or recklessly. Each type of driver can be as dangerous as the impact of weather on the roads. 

Many people find it surprising that they are at fault for fender benders during car accidents. For example, if the car in front of you brakes sharply and you are going too fast or following too closely, you could be considered at fault.

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon scenario for 70% of Americans in hurricane season. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, more than 1,300 people are killed and 116,800 injured each year in car accidents in which rain and slippery ground were contributing factors.

Like the weather, car accidents can occur suddenly and without warning. However, statistically, collisions are more common at certain times of the month. When looking at car accidents by month, you are more likely to be in an accident during the summer. According to the National Safety Council, in 2020, vehicle deaths were lowest in January and peaked in June.

Orlando personal injury lawyers can help you in these cases. Through investigation and your knowledge of state laws, the jurisdiction determines precisely who was at fault. This way, you can get compensation for your accident. Our attorneys will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and analyze the circumstances of the accident to build a strong case in your favor. 

How to Minimize Risk When Driving in Extreme Weather Conditions?

A drizzle can turn into a torrential downpour with a single flash of lightning and a roar of thunder. According to the National Weather Service, it is not advisable to drive in flood conditions, and it is best to turn around to stay safe simply. This is an important safety tip to keep in mind, as extreme weather events are not going away anytime soon. Additionally, it's crucial to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you, reduce your speed, and avoid sudden maneuvers. These precautions can help you stay in control of your vehicle and reduce the risk of accidents. 

What Else Can You Do if You're Caught in an Extreme Weather Event?

  • Turn on the windshield wipers so you can see the road more clearly.
  • Turn on your headlights to increase road visibility so other drivers can see you.
  • Slow down and drive below the posted speed limit. However, do not drive too slowly, or you could cause an accident, especially in poor visibility conditions.
  • Avoid sudden braking. If you need to stop suddenly, do your best to pump the brakes or move to the shoulder.
  • Follow other cars sparingly. The car in front of you may have to brake quickly, so make sure you have enough room to stop.
  • Avoid large puddles if you can. This will decrease your chances of hydroplaning. Besides, you'll never know if a giant pothole or large debris is hiding in that puddle.
  • Stay away from flooded roads. Turn around and find an alternative route.
  • Plan. Weather is predictable, so if you receive a warning of an extreme weather event, make the necessary adjustment. Check your windshield wipers, make sure you have a full tank of gas, and check your tire pressure.
  • Pay attention. Drive usually, and don't panic. Driving at high speeds to try to get home early out of the rain increases your chances of having accidents.
  • Finding a safe place where you can wait out the storm may be safer than trying to run home.
  • In case of an accident, call our Orlando personal injury attorney at the Injury Assistance Law Firm. 

Rain or Shine, Injury Assistance Law Firm is Here to Help

The Injury Assistance Law Firm is a personal injury law firm with offices in Orlando and Winter Haven, Florida. Our legal experts represent clients in all types of accident, injury, property damage, and wrongful death claims.

With more than 20 years of legal experience representing cases, our seasoned attorneys at Injury Assistance Law Firm understand that car accidents are as unpredictable as the weather. No matter the reason, whether car accidents are caused by rain or negligence, immediately contact Injury Assistance Law Firm for the best legal advice. Contact us as soon as possible to study your case. Our legal team is here to help you obtain the compensation and justice that you deserve.

Content Sources


Injury Facts

National Weather Service